Connections within Europe – Denmark
Im April 2023 hat die steep GmbH die Möglichkeit genutzt, sich mit den Mitgliedern eines dänischen Industrieverbandes auszutauschen und mögliche Zusammenarbeitsmöglichkeiten zu eruieren.
In April 2023, steep GmbH took the opportunity to exchange ideas with members of a Danish industry association and to explore possible cooperation opportunities.
At the event, arranged by the BDSV (Bundesverband der Deutschen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie e.V. – German Security and Defense Industry Association) and its Danish counterpart and hosted by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Berlin, a memorandum of understanding was signed by Vice Admiral Carsten Stawitzki (Head of the Equipment Department at the German Ministry of Defense) and the Danish National Director of Armaments (also Chief DALO – Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization) Lieutenant General Kim Jesper Jørgensen on cooperation between the two countries.
The Danish Prince Joachim and Ambassador Susanne Hyldelund gave the event, which was entirely dedicated to the exchange of the represented companies, the best setting possible and highlighted the importance of exchange and cooperation with the neighbouring country.
This gave steep the chance to briefly present itself to the high-ranking professional audience. At the event, contacts were revived and new ones were established. This day has fully fulfilled its purpose, a platform for positive exchange among neighbours.