IT Consulting

E-learning and Digital Qualification
So-called blended learning is our key to sustainable, successful qualification.
Accordingly, for each and every one of our qualification projects we put together an individual combination of face-to-face training measures and various e-learning modes. Our portfolio encompasses digital training solutions for private study, e.g. web-based training (WBT) and live online sessions such as virtual classroom training, yet also various tools, apps und learning nuggets serving as digital supplements to face-to-face solutions.
Our approach promises:
- Tailored solutions
- Custom concepts
- Marked alignment to target groups
- Learning methods and modes focusing on specific targets
- Diversity of methods and multimedia structures
- A wide range of software and application skills

Tilo Schneider
Telephone: +49 1761 6681 516
Head of Business Unit Training
The steep training portfolio provides digital training solutions in the fields:

- Web seminars
- Virtual classroom training (VCT)
- Learning management systems (LMS)
- Web-based training
- Video tutorials
- Learning videos
- Video role-playing games
- Gamification
- Learning nuggets
- Digital learning journeys
- AI skills management
- Virtual class- and working rooms
- Learning apps
- Podcasts
- Online tools
- Online knowledge tests
- Simulation