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GSCS Eurofighter

The Ground Support Container System is a relocatable, modular solution for use at a deployed operation base for 6/12 aircraft units. It operates with self-sufficient power supply and air conditioning systems and provides three networks of differing classifications. The system integrates radio technology in a VoIP environment. This system was realized by GSS+, a consortium of ESG and steep GmbH.

GSS+ services:

  • Production of the relocatable GSCS based on standardized dedicated containers incl. power supply and air conditioning
  • Acquisition and integration of network and IT componentry
  • System integration in the German air force’s mobile command centre MobFüSysLw
  • Certification of operability and functionality incl. ZDv 19/1 aeronautical compatibility
  • Generation of interactive electronic technical documentation (IETD)
  • Coach and expert training
  • Set-up and commissioning in the field
  • Support services during deployment

Ingo Marx

Telephone: +49 228 6681 520

E-Mail: ingo.marx@steep.de

Head of Sales Defence