Structural Status Monitoring
Systems assigned a predefined design status must necessarily undergo changes over the course of time that may also affect how this system is used. These effects demand an effective monitoring of the structural status if the system is to remain fully functional over the long term. Effective monitoring of the structural status should commence as early as the realization (acquisitions) phase and continue over the whole period of use. This can provide technical support for the documentation of a system’s actual status.
Based on technical logistics support measures, a so-called structural status overview is analysed for the purpose of documenting the current actual status in a tool developed specifically for this purpose by steep GmbH. This serves to document and follow up all changes following repairs / the elimination of obsolescence by the industry.
Based on the design status, the structural status overview is adjusted, maintained and updated in line with the factory or serial numbers for the affected products (subassemblies). This also extends to a selection of fitted, but uncatalogued IHS 3 and 4 subassemblies with system relevance.
Changes to the structural status are documented and incorporated regularly in the (interactive) electronic technical documentation (ETD/IETD) by means of the technical logistics support measures. This process serves to maintain the systems’ design statuses in a standardized structural status overview, thus safeguarding the full transparency of the systems/products.

Martin Fischer
Telephone: +49 228 6681 226
E-Mail: Martin.Fischer@steep.de
Head of Logistics & Technical Documentation
Digitalize your processes!
During its development work on its modular software SOLIS, steep GmbH elaborated a solution for monitoring structural statuses. Based on an Angular/Lumen web framework, this database application fulfils all customer requirements and is available as a desktop and mobile app version. The software provides options for collecting, processing, managing, planning and documenting your data.
These include e.g.:
- Assemblies/subassemblies
- Inventories
- Obsolescences
- Relevant routine servicing
- Change orders
- Set-up statuses
- History pages
- Fault data
- Documents (Word, PDF)
- Configurations